B. Tech. (Bachelor of Technology) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Name: B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Duration: 4 Years

Eligibility: 10+2(PCM)

Lateral Entry: Candidate who has three year diploma after 10th can enroll for 3rd Semester of B.Tech. Candidate who has completed B.Sc(PCM) can enroll for 3rd Semester of B.Tech.

Course Syllabus
Semester I Semester II
Communicative English I Humanities Elective I
Physics/Chemistry Chemistry/Physics
Calculus, Matrix Algebra Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering
Computer Programming Object Oriented Programming
Engineering Mechanics / Introduction to Thermodynamics Engineering Mechanics / Introduction to Thermodynamics
Engineering Drawing I Engineering Drawing II
Physics Lab / Chemistry Lab Chemistry Lab. / Physics Lab.
Workshop A / Workshop B Workshop B / Workshop A
Computer Programming Lab Object Oriented Programming Lab.
Cultural Education Cultural Education


Semester III Semester IV
Integral Transforms and Complex Analysis Mathematical Statistics and Numerical Methods
Electric Circuits Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation
Digital Systems Electrical Machines I
Mechanical Engineering Electromagnetic Theory
Science Elective I Science Elective II
Humanities Elective I Humanities Elective II
Simulation Lab and Electrical Workshop Electrical Machines Lab I
Electric Circuits Lab Measurements and Digital Circuits Lab


Semester V Semester VI
Introduction to Microcontrollers and Applications VLSI Design
Electronic Circuits II Digital Communication
Microprocessors Transmission Lines and Radiating Systems
Analog Communication Elective I
Control Engineering Environmental Studies
Microcontroller Lab VLSI Design Lab
Electronic Circuits Lab II Digital Communication Lab


Semester VII Semester VIII
Power System Protection and Switchgear Elective IV
Electrical Drives and Control Management Elective
Environmental Studies Project
Elective II  
Elective III  
Principles of Management  
Power System Simulation Lab  
Power Electronics Lab